All posts by EventPros-Admin

Why Pisces Pro Massage Chairs

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Pisces Pro Massage Chairs are uniquely made for an optimal chair massage experience.

Unlike other massage chairs that lean the recipient forward 45 degrees, Pisces Pro has a torso curve that adjusts the user to their body type and provides the ability to lean forward 90 degrees.

A 90 degree incline is a flat back, table top style on the chair. No other chairs on the market offer this user position.

Not every massage therapist we work with operates with this type of chair. They are the most expensive chairs on the market (~$700). But we do look for people with them.

We can usually support at least one station at an event with this unique tabletop style advantage.


Outdoor Massage Chair Feet

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Providing outdoor #ChairMassage can easily make the feet of your chair dirty or fill the wheels with mud.

Preventative measures are best taken with these Harley Davidson kickstand plates.

They have the perfect sized slot the chair legs fit in. They make sure your equipment remains clean and your recipient isn’t sinking in the ground while sitting.

#massagelosangeles #corporate massage